Brit builders offered £6k to ditch UK for sun-kissed Australia with higher wages

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    Builders are being offered a £6,000 sweetener to ditch freezing Britain for sun-kissed Australia.

    The state of Western Australia is handing out the dosh in a bid to stave off a shortage of construction workers. It is experiencing a boom period of growth on the back of multi-million-pound Government investment in vast critical mineral and tech projects.

    That has led to an urgent need for more housing – and there are not enough professionals there to meet the demand. So the Government of Western Australia has introduced an AUS$11million – £5.8m – visa subsidy scheme to attract construction workers from Britain and Ireland as quickly as possible.

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    The Aussies have already pinched thousands of UK doctors, nurses and cops by offering them new sun, sea and sand lifestyles – plus higher salaries and a lower cost of living. Now they want brickies and plumbers to build them new homes.

    The Construction Visa Subsidy Programme – AKA – will see builders who decide to quit the UK and move Down Under awarded up to £6,000 to help cover the costs of relocating.

    Professionals who can cash in include civil and structural engineers, plumbers, carpenters, air conditioning mechanics, electricians, glaziers, tilers, concreters, floor finishers, plasterers, painters and decorators and joiners.

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    Western Australian minister for planning, lands, housing and homelessness John Carey is heading to the UK this week to help drive interest from Brit workers into making the move.

    He will highlight the attractions of Oz where energy bills are half the UK’s, wages are higher, houses are bigger and the climate hotter.

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    Brits are being targeted for their skills and experience at a time when the cost of living crisis is having a major impact on the quality of life for workers in the UK.

    And just like they bolted to German from the UK in classic cult TV show Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, they're not jetting off to Australia instead.

    Mr Carey will meet with construction officials and visits large projects in London, Birmingham, Nottingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

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    Western Australia politician Paul Papalia was blitzed with 60,000 applications for 31,000 jobs after a previous whirlwind recruitment swoop.

    He said plugging a new life in 30C Oz had "not been a hard sell".

    Workers interested on making the switch can register on the Western Australia – It’s Like No Other website.

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