Putin ally Lukashenko turns on him and urges fighting in Ukraine to stop

Vladimir Putin meets Alexander Lukashenko in September

Vladimir Putin’s close ally Alexander Lukashenko has made a huge intervention after warning Russia and Ukraine are locked in a “serious stalemate” as he called for sit-down peace talks and an end to the brutal war.

The Russian and Belarusian presidents have been close allies for several years, with territory in Lukashenko’s neighboring country used as a launch pad for Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. They have also held regular meetings since the start of the war.

In June, Belarus started taking delivery of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in a chilling new development in the seemingly blossoming relationship between the two allies.

But the stunning new U-turn from Lukashenko is the first time he has come forward seeking a truce in the conflict.

He said in a question-and-answer video posted on the website of the Belarusian state news agency BelTA: “There are enough problems on both sides and in general, the situation is now seriously stalemate – no one can do anything and substantively strengthen or advance their position.

“They’re there head-to-head, to the death, entrenched. People are dying. We need to sit down at the negotiating table and come to an agreement.

“As I once said – no preconditions are needed. The main thing is that the ‘stop’ command is given.”

Lukashenko added Ukraine’s demands for Russian troops to leave its territory in the ongoing and brutal war needs to be resolved to ensure that “nobody dies”.

Earlier this month, the Belarusian president warned the US was pushing Russia and Putin toward using nuclear weapons in what would be a massive escalation in the Ukraine war.

Lukashenko further warned that if such a missile hit Russian territory, it would trigger a “colossal” response from Moscow.

These comments came just hours after Putin had made his most devastating nuclear threat so far in the war after saying the ‘Satan-2’ and ‘Flying Chernobyl’ missiles would be ready soon, while also touting their destructive ability.

He warned Russia had “practically finished work on the modern strategic weapons that I have been talking about and I announced a few years ago”.

The “Flying Chernobyl” Burevestnik missile is known for its capability to stay airborne for extended periods.

Should the missile be deployed, it would be a game changer for Russia, allowing it to strike with a potential range of 14,000 miles.

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